Ramsey Paints Pets (too)
Here's a few of man's best friends that I have painted.. Molly and Lou belong to my son, who loves dogs (and all animals) dearly. Sweet 'Livia is a commission that I did for a friend of a friend. I better get busy and find a little time to paint our rescue, little Joey and our Shitzu Sam. Oh, and my sister and niece have both put in request. But, hey - I'd love to paint a pet for you too. Use the contact form if you're interested in having a portrait done of a furry family member. Cats, gerbils, birds, ferrets and others welcome, as long as they can sit still for an hour or so. Just kidding, I'll work from photos. Scroll on down, there’s a few surprises at the bottom.
Old Lou
Sweet 'Livia (Acrylic on Canvas - 12X12)
“ I can’t get over how good this painting is! I’m absolutely thrilled with it! The subtleties of my sweet Livia’s demeanor were captured on canvas. God bless your talent sir!”
Buster Boy
Prissy - Painted for a client’s grandfather who had lost his two best friends, his wife and his dog. He received Prissy’s portrait on Christmas morning. “He looked at that picture for the longest time, and it was probably the first time I’ve ever seen him cry! He was so excited to get that!” - Brooke Roy
“ Meesh - Commissioned by a good friend for his wife’s gift. “She cried when she saw it under the tree. Absolutely loves it! Thanks brother” - Lucian Gray
Henry - I guess you could call this one a “Triple Dog Dare You! commission. Actually, it wasn’t a commission at all. It was a birthday gift for my daughter to hang in her new home in Seattle.
Mason - this might just be the "most fun” I have had doing a pet portrait. Mason’s owner and best friend is a bourbon loving Furman grad and was totally surprised by his girl friend (and Mason) with this commission. There are more of these in the works now and if you’d like to become one with your best pet friend , just click below.
Meet PANCHO VILLA! Mason, the Bourbon Drinking dog above, lead to this portrait of Pancho, he’s a hard-working, taco-eating, hat-wearing, bling-sporting, ribbon-winning, jet-setting, heart-stealing, completely-adorable rock star in the world of miniature bull terriers! Well, in the world of show-dogs in general! I mean the little fellow took Best of his Breed at the Westminster Dog Show 2021 in NY!
I don’t know many show dog families, just this one and Beverly who is Panchos breeder and who commissioned me to paint Pancho as a gift, but I’d be willing to bet there’s not another dog and dog owner out there who are Soul Mates and the ‘spittin’ image’ of each other the way Pancho and his owner Cedar Baldridge are! Trust me, I did enough research to know. What a pair. You know, that’s kind of what these ‘anthropomorphic’ portraits I am starting to do are all about anyway, when you get right down to it….it’s a portrait of Cedar as well as Pancho. Like I said, SoulMates. I present to you Cedar & Pancho. Pancho, you may lick….er…well, you get it. I’f you and your pet are SoulMares click the inquire button below and let’s paint a portrait.